----- disk label ----
AIR RAID (16K) 990019 1. Air Raid. This is no drill, you've got radar confirmation: enemy bombers carrying nuclear weapons are approaching with fighter escorts. Man the anti-aircraft gun -- your country is depending on you to bring them down! 2. Race. Drive as fast as you can, but don't smash into the walls! Up to four players can compete, or race against the clock. 3. Quintominoes. Fitting the pieces of this puzzle together is hard enough when you're playing by yourself, but when you've got an opponent to play against, good luck. 4. Rover Robot. Will Rover find a path to safety? He can provide limited informatoin about the dangers that lie ahead, but it's up to you to decide his path -- and fate!
----- disk directory ----
Volume Name: AI0180 Volume Directory Blocks: 3 ATR NAME TYPE VR SBLK SIZE LBC LADR SADR 03 MENU .BAS;01 0003 000F 80 829A 8A1A 03 AIR .PRG;01 0012 000F 80 9000 9000 03 RACE .BAS;01 0021 001E 25 829A 913F 03 QUINT .BAS;01 003F 002C 2F 829A 9849 03 QUINT .DSP;01 006B 0020 80 7000 7000 03 ROVER .BAS;01 008B 0040 2F 829A A249 01 <FREE SPACE> 00CB 00C5