– Virtual Media

----- disk label ----

Lunar Lander (16K) 990020
1. Lunar Lander.  It's been three days since you left earth and
it's time for your descent to the moon's surface.  Unlike
other lunar landing programs, this is a real time version.
You don't have time to think -- you must act now before your
fuel is depleted.  There's just one more obstacle; you need
to land with enough fuel to take off again or you will be
stranded forever on the moon.
2. Coalition.  You are on your way to colonize a new planet and
wish to set up a stable government as quickly as possible.
Unfortunately, the planning council, of which you are a
member, is split into two coalitions.  Your decisions could
effect the winning coalition.
3. Linko.  This intriguing game takes a little luck and a lot
of skill.  Try to form a link from one side of the screen
to the other side.

----- disk directory ----

Volume Name: LL V3.80
Volume Directory Blocks: 3

 03 MENU  .BAS;01 0003 000E 7A  829A 8994
 03 LUNAR .PRG;01 0011 0025 52  9000 9000
 03 COALIT.BAS;01 0036 003A 10  829A 9F2A
 03 LINKO .BAS;01 0070 003F 41  829A A1DB
 01 <FREE SPACE>  00AF 00E1