This disk was part of the Trevor Taylor batch of disks. It doesn't appear to have anything written by him; these appear to simply be things he found useful. There is no MENU.BAS file, so hitting AUTO doesn't launch anything. FMTCD1.PRG -- FMTCD1.SRC -- FMTINS.BAS -- Running FMTINS.BAS will give instructions on how to use this disk formatting program, which formats the disk in drive CD1:. FMTCD1.SRC is obviously the source, written by J. Stephen Bour II After launching FMTCD1.PRG, the prompt FORMAT> appears. Type CTRL-F to format the disk in drive CD1: After a minute or so of spinning, the display switches to say it is verifying the disk. This program fails to work with the Compucolor emulator at least as of version 2013/12/01 of the emulator. This will be looked into in the future. RAM.PRG -- RAM test of user ram, screen ram, or both Seemingly the same program appears on chip_129.ccvf ASM.PRG -- Looks like the standard 8080 assembler program. XREF.PRG -- XREF.MAC -- This is not an assembler cross reference program. "searches memory for address references" FREESP.BAS -- Calculate how much free space is left on disk. DUMP.BAS -- Memory dump program by Herb Beck 2/22/79 VLIST.BAS -- This section of code is intended to be overlayed with some existing program. When run, it displays all the variables from the program, found by rummaging throught the BASIC symbol table. It doesn't seem to recognize arrays. COPY.PRG -- COPY.LDA -- Comments say it is an example. PRDIR.BAS -- list the disk directory to the printer SCTNFO.TBL -- ??? READ.MAC -- reads a single input line PRINT.PRG -- standard compucolor printer driver a few other scattered small .BAS programs