– Virtual Media

Listing of file='COMMDS.SRC;01' on disk='vmedia/chip_119-sector.ccvf'

LIFE Commands:

	ERASE PAGE : Turn the current cell on.

	ERASE LINE : Turn the current cell off.

	The 4 cursor keys move the cell indicator around the
		Note: I may later add a routine to use the
			joysticks to move the cursor.

	HOME:	Process a generation.

	TAB:	Restart the game.
		Note: TAB must be used to return the board to
			input mode.

	ESC:	Return to FCS.

	Misc Notes: The repeat key has been sped up.


MAZE Commands:

	Top view mode:
		The 4 cursor keys move the player north, south,
		east and west if there are no walls in the way.

		The color keys change the color of the cursor.
		This is very useful for marking where you have
		been and marking dead ends.  (Remember Thadeus)

		<TAB> generates a new maze.

		<ESC> exits to FCS.

		<control D> exits to FSC immedeately.

		<ERASE PAGE> Replots the maze.

		<RETURN> Puts the player in 3D view.

	3D View: As above except:

		The UP key moves the player forward.

		The Left/Right keys turn the player to look in
			that direction.

		The Down key Turns the player around.

		<RETURN> Puts the player back in Top View mode.

	NOTES:	The input routine is interrupt driven so no
			<RETURN> is needed after a command.

		When the player hits a wall or gives an invalid
			command, new commands are still being
			excepted.  So be careful about stacking
			commands, it is very easy to get lost
			in 3D mode this way.

		When entering 3D mode the player is always
			facing north.  Popping into top view
			and then immedeately backk into 3D mode
			is an effective way of regaining one's
			directional bearings.

		There may be some commands I have forgotten so
			be observant when hitting unlisted keys.