----- disk label ----
Statistics I (16K) 993001 FILES: A file manager program that generates, maintains, and displays files for use by the other programs. REGRES: This program performs a linear, logarithmic, exponential or reciprocal regression analysis with confidence limits and a graph. PLOT: Plots one to three graphs on a rectangular coordinate system from data in a disk file or from given equations. STAT: Computes and displays several measures of central tendency and other quantiles, dispersions, skew, kurtosis, and moment about the mean from grouped or ungrouped data. GRAPH: This program displays histograms and/or polygonal graphs for grouped and ungrouped input data.
----- disk directory ----
Volume Name: S10380 Volume Directory Blocks: 6 ATR NAME TYPE VR SBLK SIZE LBC LADR SADR 03 MENU .BAS;01 0006 0005 5D 829A 84F7 03 FILES .BAS;01 000B 001D 6A 829A 9104 03 PLOT .BAS;01 0028 001A 33 829A 8F4D 03 REGRES.BAS;01 0042 002B 55 829A 97EF 03 STAT .BAS;01 006D 002E 25 829A 993F 03 GRAPH .BAS;01 009B 0020 07 829A 9221 01 <FREE SPACE> 00BB 00D5